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Ha-Dream Team #3075

Are You Ready To Dream?

The 2024-2025 Dream Team Is Ready To Rock!

Get To Know Us

We are Ha-Dream Team #3075, a FIRST Robotics Competition team from Hadarim High School in Hod HaSharon, Israel.

Our team is made up of 6 sub-teams and consists of 40 students, aged 15-18, and over 15 mentors and alumni.

We were established in December 2008 by our lead mentor and former High School...

‏‏3075 Logo

FIRST (for inspiration and recognition of science and technology), is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen and Woodie Flowers, in order to create the next generation of STEM leaders and inspire innovation, engineering, leadership...

About Hio-Fuel

Hio-Fuel Is Ha-Dream Team 3075’S Inner Competition, Designed And Created By The Team Alumni And Members To Simulate A Competition Season And Train The Team Coping With Challenges.

Hiodich logo
About Our Outreach programs

Apart from building robots and competing in the First Robotics Competition we strive to make a difference. We strive to make our community better, spread STEM values and knowledge to everyone at any age, gender and background. 

About Tune Tracker

Tune Tracker is a search engine we created to help us track which teams have used a specific song in their robot reveal or recap videos. It can also help us with picking a unique tune for us each year.

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